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An evening of anecdotes with Guigui, composer of the music for Dofus and Wakfu

Dofus and Wakfu fans gathered for a special evening on Louna_TV’s Twitch channel, spotlighting Guigui, the composer of the games’ music. The three-hour exchange was a mix of anecdotes, audience questions, and insights into the creative process. This interview followed other content by Louna_TV, including a detailed video on Ankama’s transmedia approach on her YouTube channel.

The anecdotes shared during the evening echoed memories recounted in the documentary “Behind the Walls: Dofus,” available on Ankama’s YouTube channel. This documentary explores the early development of Dofus and the creation of its music.

From the beginning, ToT, co-founder of Ankama, gave Guigui clear direction regarding the game’s music. In the documentary, he explains:

“ToT always wanted music that tells a story. It’s the first thing he told me when we started working together. “Listen, Guigui. I like “music that says something”. I want it to tell a story.”

This demand shaped Dofus’ musical approach, giving each piece a narrative identity.

The flute, which became one of the most iconic sounds of version 1.29, is the result of a specific artistic choice:

“The famous flute of version 1.29 was something ToT wanted. Why the flute? Because it sounded better. Every time I played something for ToT, he said: “That’s good, Guigui. But try the flute!” I tried the flute. “Yes, that’s good. Use that.”

This distinctive sound is now associated with the nostalgic atmosphere of the early days of Dofus.

Secrets and Anecdotes of the Music

Guigui confirmed that some music features Latin lyrics with subtle humor. Inspired by a lack of inspiration for lyrics, these humorous words discreetly integrate into the sound world.

One anecdote revealed that there’s a 1 in 600 chance of hearing an 8-bit version of a song in the game. This nostalgic nod to early video games was well-received by the community.

Guigui has incorporated nods to his family and colleagues in his compositions:

“The choirs in some music include the first names of my children, my wife, and even my colleagues. It adds a personal touch.”

The evening also featured hilarious revelations, like the anecdote where Guigui admitted to working naked in his office during a heatwave to escape the heat. This moment sparked a wave of laughter in the chat.

Another anecdote was about the supposed difficulty of recording choirs with Ankama employees. While this story turned out to be false, it served as a reminder that the real Dofus choirs are recorded by the prestigious Budapest Symphony Choir, adding an epic dimension to the game’s music.

Pieces of Krosmoz : les grands thèmes d'Ankama rejoués !

For those who couldn’t attend the event, find Guigui’s music on YouTube and discover Louna_TV’s content, especially her videos exploring the intricacies of transmedia at Ankama.

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